The IELTS Academic module consists of two writing tasks: Writing Task I and Writing Task II.
In Writing Task I, the candidate will be given a visual presentation like charts, graphs, tables and process diagrams. The candidate is expected to write a summary of 150 words based on information inferred from the picture. This task carries a duration of 20 minutes. It is important that the writing reflects the information presented in the picture as it is.
Academic Writing Task I Archive
Academic Writing Practice 1 | Academic Writing Practice 2 | Academic Writing Practice 3 |
Academic Writing Practice 4 | Academic Writing Practice 5 | |
In Writing Task II, the candidate is presented with a view, argument or a problem and is asked to write a formal essay of not less that 250 words. The time given is 40 minutes to complete the task. Task II carries more weight in terms of marks.
Academic Writing Task II Archive
Academic Writing Practice 1 | Academic Writing Practice 2 | Academic Writing Practice 3 |
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