The Dawn Publishers was established in 2019. The publishing firm aims to encourage authors and transform the self-publishing industry.

The Dawn Publishers offers the below publishing services:

  • eBook – Design and creation of high-quality eBook with ISBN (Available as PDF or EPUB)
  • FlipBook – Design and creation of stunning digital flipbook (Magazines / Portfolio / Photo Album)
  • Print – Design and creation of high-quality print books with ISBN

The Dawn Publishers (TDP) besides its publishing initiatives, it also serves as a platform delivering high-quality tests. TDP app was developed taking into consideration the need to measure learners’ readiness for succeeding in any aptitude-demanding situation. Using our platform, learners can prepare and practice on domains including Verbal Ability, Quantitative Aptitude and Technical concepts. The app helps learners to minimize their difficulties while preparing effectively for exams. Learners can analyze their results and identify scope for improvement.

TDP takes delivering online assessments to a whole new level. Our team is working hard to provide high-quality online assessments to you anytime anywhere. TDP strives to ensure your complete readiness to campus recruitment tests and competitive examinations at zero cost.

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