Directions: In the following questions choose the word which best expresses the meaning of thegiven word. 1. ChrysalisA. LocustB. MothC. CocoonD. Dragonfly 2. CicadaA. ..
Directions: In the following questions choose the word which best expresses the meaning of thegiven word. 1. BoycottA. BefriendB. ShunC. HelpD. Work for 2. BrackishA. ..
Directions: In the following questions choose the word which best expresses the meaning of thegiven word. 1. AttainmentA. GoalB. ValueC. PleasureD. Achievement 2. AttributeA. ..
Directions: In the following questions choose the word which best expresses the meaning of thegiven word. 1. AppalledA. DisheartenedB. AnimatedC. ShockedD. Discouraged ..
Directions: In the following questions choose the word which best expresses the meaning of thegiven word. 1. AlleviateA. LessenB. Work all the timeC. Make worseD. ..
Directions: In the following questions choose the word which best expresses the meaning of thegiven word. 1. AbaseA. LowB. PeacefulC. HumbleD. Cruel 2. AbashA. AcquitB. ..