This quiz is designed to check your basic understanding of Prepositions, an important topic under Verbal Ability. Directions: Choose the correct preposition to complete ..
This quiz will help you in learning and practicing Articles which is an important Verbal Ability topic for competitive examinations. Directions: Choose the correct ..
This quiz will help you in learning and practicing Articles which is an important Verbal Ability topic for competitive examinations. Directions: Choose the correct ..
Directions: In the following questions choose the word which best expresses the meaning of thegiven word. 1. ChrysalisA. LocustB. MothC. CocoonD. Dragonfly 2. CicadaA. ..
Directions: In the following questions choose the word which best expresses the meaning of thegiven word. 1. BoycottA. BefriendB. ShunC. HelpD. Work for 2. BrackishA. ..
Directions: In the following questions choose the word which best expresses the meaning of thegiven word. 1. AttainmentA. GoalB. ValueC. PleasureD. Achievement 2. AttributeA. ..
Directions: In the following questions choose the word which best expresses the meaning of thegiven word. 1. AppalledA. DisheartenedB. AnimatedC. ShockedD. Discouraged ..
Directions: In the following questions choose the word which best expresses the meaning of thegiven word. 1. AlleviateA. LessenB. Work all the timeC. Make worseD. ..
Directions: In the following questions choose the word which best expresses the meaning of thegiven word. 1. AbaseA. LowB. PeacefulC. HumbleD. Cruel 2. AbashA. AcquitB. ..
This quiz is designed to check your basic understanding of Prepositions, an important topic under Verbal Ability. Directions: Choose the correct preposition to complete ..