This quiz is designed to check your basic understanding of Idiomatic expressions, an important topic under Verbal Ability. Choose the appropriate meaning of the italicised idioms.
1. | What does the idiom bent out of shape mean? A. In great danger B. In a state of confusion C. Angry or upset D. Lacking courage |
2. | What does the idiom beat around the bush mean? A. To speak honestly and directly B. To avoid the main topic C. To be in a difficult situation D. To make a mistake |
3. | What does the idiom let the cat out of the bag mean? A. To release a dangerous animal B. To reveal a secret C. To make a mistake D. To get into a fight |
4. | What does the idiom cut to the chase mean? A. To take a shortcut B. To move quickly C. To get to the point D. To avoid danger |
5. | What does the idiom cold turkey mean? A. In a state of shock B. Sudden and complete withdrawal from something C. In a state of confusion D. In a difficult situation |
6. | What does the idiom pulling someone’s leg mean? A. To lie to someone B. To mock or tease someone in a playful way C. To encourage someone to take risks D. To physically attack someone |
7. | What does the idiom raining cats and dogs mean? A. A heavy downpour of rain B. A large number of animals outside C. A dangerous storm D. A rare occurrence |
8. | What does the idiom the ball is in your court mean? A. It’s your turn to play a game B. It’s your responsibility to take action C. It’s up to you to make a decision D. You’re in a position of power |
9. | What does the idiom a piece of cake mean? A. Something that is very difficult B. Something that is very easy C. Something that is unimportant D. Something that is unusual |
10. | What does the idiom in the same boat mean? A. In a difficult situation together B. In a competition together C. In a partnership together D. In a peaceful state |
11. | What does the idiom hit the nail on the head mean? A. To miss the target B. To achieve a goal C. To speak the truth D. To make a mistake |
12. | What does the idiom bite the bullet mean? A. To accept a difficult situation and deal with it B. To fight someone C. To avoid danger D. To be brave and courageous |
13. | What does the idiom cutting corners mean? A. To take a shortcut B. To be in a hurry C. To be in a difficult situation D. To be in danger |
14. | What does the idiom to make clean breast of mean? A. To gain prominence B. To destroy C. To disclose something openly D. To praise oneself |
15. | What does the idiom to end in smoke mean? A. To understand completely B. To ruin completely C. To progress well D. To ignite something |
1. C | 2. B | 3. B | 4. C | 5. B | 6. B | 7. A | 8. C | 9. B | 10. A | 11. C | 12. A | 13. A | 14. C | 15. B |