Verbal Ability Quiz on Voice – Set 2

In the questions below the sentences have been given in Active / Passive voice. From the given alternatives, choose the one which best expresses the given sentence in Passive / Active voice.

1. The walls had not been decorated by us.
A. We have not decorated the walls.
B. We had not decorated the walls.
C. We have not been decorating the walls.
D. We had not been decorating the walls.
2. She always cooks delicious food.
A. Delicious food is cooked by her always.
B. Delicious food is always being cooked by her.
C. Delicious food has been cooked by her.
D. Delicious food was being cooked by her.
3. The men had constructed the bridge.
A. The bridge has been constructed by the men.
B. The bridge was constructed by the men.
C. The bridge was being constructed by the men.
D. The bridge had been constructed by the men.
4. Reema rescued three puppies.
A. Three puppies are rescued by Reema.
B. Three puppies were rescued by Reema.
C. Three puppies will be rescued by Reema.
D. Three puppies are being rescued by Reema.
5. They say that you did that.
A. You are told to do that
B. You are advised to do that
C. You did that said by them
D. You are said to have done that
6. He committed a mistake by joining their secret group.
A. A mistake was committed by joining their secret group by him.
B. A mistake was committed by joining their secret group.
C. A mistake was committed by him by joining their secret group.
D. Joining their secret group was a mistake committed by him.
7. For a long time people believed the earth to be flat.
A. The earth was believed to be flat for a long time.
B. The earth had been believed to be flat for a long time.
C. The earth was being believed to be flat for a long time
D. The earth is believed to be flat for a long time.
8. Why was he refused admittance?
A. Why did they refuse him admittance?
B. Why do they refuse him admittance?
C. Why are they refusing him admittance?
D. Why were they refusing him admittance?
9. You should follow all the instructions carefully.
A. All the instructions are carefully followed by you.
B. All the instructions were carefully followed by you
C. All the instructions should be carefully followed by you.
D. All the instructions can be carefully followed by you.
10. It is time to take tea.
A. It was time that tea was taken
B. It is time for tea to be taken
C. It is time that tea should be taken
D. It is time that tea had been taken
11. They ought to have loved their neighbours.
A. Their neighbours ought to have loved.
B. Their neighbours ought to be loved,
C. Their neighbours ought to have been loved.
D. The neighbours ought to be loved.
12. English is spoken all over the world.
A. All over the world English speaks.
B. English speaks all over the world.
C. The whole world speaks English.
D. People speak English all over the world.
13. What one must do one must do properly.
A. What must be done must be
B. It must be done properly what one must do.
C. It must be done what one must do properly.
D. One must do properly what has to be done.
14. Has your elder sister applied for the interview posts?
A. Have the interview posts been applied for by your elder sister?
B. Have the interview posts applied for by your elder sister?
C. Has the interview posts been applied by your elder sister?
D. Has the interview posts been applied?
15. The Principal has granted him a scholarship.
A. A scholarship has granted to him by the Principal.
B. He has been granted a scholarship by the Principal.
C. He has granted a scholarship by the Principal.
D. A scholarship Was granted to him by the Principal.


1. B2. A3. D4. B5. D6. C7. A8. A9. C10. B11. C12. D13. A14. A15. B

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