In order to understand what Verbal Ability means, it is important to define the term Verbal. Verbal in general means making use of words while communicating. Using appropriate verbal skills in spoken or written English helps you share your thoughts and feelings in a clear, concise and comprehensible form. One can consider himself as competent in verbal based on how well he has mastered grammar, vocabulary and comprehension. Be it spoken or written English, having sufficient knowledge of these three areas will help you in several ways. The term ability in this context refers to a candidate’s potential to use words effectively to generate meaning. In verbal ability, effective use of grammar, vocabulary and comprehension is stressed. Thus, verbal ability can be defined as making use of the essential components of the English language in order to effectively communicate in both spoken and written forms.
From a recruitment perspective, verbal ability section tests the language proficiency of a candidate. Having acceptable level of knowledge in verbal ability helps a job seeker to prove his mettle in business situations. Verbal ability plays an important role as a major criterion in the selection of candidates for employment. Companies are keen in locating the strengths of the candidates in communication and as a result most companies conduct aptitude test as part of the initial recruitment process. Unfortunately, lack of reading among the students has resulted in poor communication skills. This greatly affects their performance at any language demanding situations like presentation, group discussion and interview.
If communication is a must for speaking, verbal ability is essential for excelling in written communication. In most competitive examinations, language proficiency is tested based on functional English. The questions in verbal ability section analyses a candidate’s ability to use language appropriately based on given context. Questions are of varying difficulty levels and are taken from variety of subjects ranging from literature, psychology, history, current affairs and several others. Candidates are expected to solve questions that are of fundamental to advanced level.
Based on my experience in teaching Verbal Ability for years, the best way to prepare and master verbal topics is through repeated practice. It is important to understand that nothing can equal the effect of solving questions in a routine manner. You do not have to wait for anyone or anything as there are tons of resources from where you can obtain verbal questions for practice purpose. There are many books that you can make use of to prepare for verbal, but I have literally lived in this text for all my training needs through my career and I recommend this book titled, Objective English by Edgar Thorpe for anyone if you are serious about mastering verbal ability. I always suggest my students that a language should be approached from career point of view and not as a mere eligibility for clearing an examination. Because, language functions beyond examinations. There are several topics that you need to learn if you wish to master verbal ability. I will be writing elaborately on each topic and keep you posted on the best ways to learn verbal.
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Author | Dr Rajesh Bojan